March 3, 2015

Episode 208: Miracle Mile (1988)

Special Guests: Steve De Jarnatt & O-Lan Jones
Guest Co-Host: David J. Moore

In Miracle Mile trombonist Harry Washello (Anthony Edwards) receives a random phone call, tipping him off that nuclear Armageddon is imminent. He works to get across Los Angeles to his new love, Julie (Mare Winningham), and to safety.

We talk about the Cold War, morning in America, and Apocalypse films with David J. Moore, author of World Gone Wild: A Survivor's Guide to Post-Apocalyptic Movies.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

Buy Miracle Mile on Blu-Ray
Buy Miracle Mile by Walter Chaw
Buy David J. Moore's World Gone Wild: A Survivor's Guide to Post-Apocalyptic Movies
Visit O-Lan Jones's Overtone Industries
Hear Steve De Jarnatt on our Strange Brew episode

Listen/Download Now:
"Running out of Time" - Tangerine Dream
"All of a Dither" - Tangerine Dream
"So Afraid of the Russians" - Made for TV
"Gorba the Chief" - Sacher Musak
"Party at Ground Zero" - Fishbone



  1. Another terrific episode. Have trumpeted the greatness of Miracle Mile ever since being one of the five people who saw it on it''s original release those oh so many years ago. It's still fairly unknown to most and the title gives away nothing. Where I grew up in Columbus, OH there was an outdoor mall called Town And Country. My Dad always referred to it as Miracle Mile as that was the mall's original name in the 1950's! I'm starting to wonder if every decent size city has a Miracle Mile at some point in it's recent history.

    Wish you could have asked Mr. De Jarnatt where one can get a copy of the Gravitys Rainbow Cliffs Notes. I could use a copy. Also, thanks for getting Ms. Jones to talk about Shelf Life. It's the lost Paul Bartel film these days, except on a couple of odd torrent sites in the far corners of the Web, and I'm always excited to glean any info I can about it's production. Maybe a future episode of PB?

    Anyways, thanks again for bringing attention to the most excellent Miracle Mile. Still hoping a sequel to the film is in the works.....

    Jeff Goodman
    SF, CA

  2. Good timing on this episode as I watched this for the first time last month.

  3. Thank you so much for shining some light on Miracle Mile - a true overlooked classed! I am beyond excited about the new blu-ray (the extras sound amazing) and I finally get to see it again the way I first did back in the theater - and a website with even more extras sounds very promising. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the excellent Tangerine Dream soundtrack will get some re-release love, too, but why be greedy? I also just ordered the Chaw book you all referenced - thanks again for another excellent episode...

  4. Just picked up the blu ray release for this movie, having not seen it but been intrigued by what I've heard about it. Really fantastic film. Now I have to get to listening to this episode.
