March 10, 2015

Episode 209: The Quiet Earth (1985)

Special Guests: Geoff Murphy, Sam Pillsbury, Jonathan Rayner
Guest Co-Host: Keith Gordon

Zac Hobson (Bruno Lawrence) wakes at 6:12 one sunny morning to find that he may be the last man on Earth in The Quiet Earth, a compelling Kiwi film from director Geoff Murphy and writer/producer Sam Pillsbury.

We're joined by actor/writer/director Keith Gordon to discuss this post-Apocalyptic film.

Listen/Download Now:

Buy The Quiet Earth on Blu-Ray
Buy The Quiet Earth by Craig Harrison
le" Buy Cinema Journeys of the Man Alone: The New Zealand and American Films of Geoff Murphy by Jonathan Rayner
Buy more of Jonathan Rayner's books
Learn more about Geoff Murphy's films
Read more about Utu Redux
Visit the Pillsbury Wine Company website
Visit the New Zealand Film Commission website
Hear more Jonathan Rayner on our Manhunter episode
Hear more Keith Gordon on our Mother Night episode
Hear our Freejack episode

"Zac Takes Over" - John Charles
"The Effect Continues" - John Charles
"Last Love Scene" - John Charles
"Preaching The End Of The World" - Chris Cornell
"Sunrise" - John Charles


1 comment:

  1. I look forward to rewatching this. Glad I bought the DVD years ago, had no idea it became an OOP collector's item till I checked Amazon now.

    Unfortunately, a lot of cult/genre films from New Zealand are extremely hard to come by in North America at the moment. They're either OOP (this, Peter Jackson's early films) or have never gotten a Region 1 release to begin with (NEXT OF KIN; the one featured in NOT QUITE HOLLYWOOD, not the Patrick Swayze one).
