January 25, 2012

Episode 47: Score (1974)

Special Guest: Radley Metzger
Guest Co-Host: Lisa Vandever

Break out the pepper mill and poppers, it's time to talk about Radley Metzger's groundbreaking erotica, Score. Bring someone you want to excite.

This week's co-host knows a thing or two about erotic films. Lisa Vandever of the Cinekink Film Festival has seen more than her fair share of adult films and considers Score to be one of the best.

Check out the Cinekink website
Radley Metzger DVDs for sale at DiabolikDVD.com
Interview with Radley Metzger on Greencine.com
Read more about Claire Wilbur at the Rialto Report
More about Indietro (NSFW)

Listen/Download Now:



  1. Mike, on your recommendation, listened to this podcast, enjoyed it very much; bought the DVD and watched it with Radley Metzger's commentary, which tied in nicely with the podcast. Trippy step back into the 70's! I've since aquired some of the "Henry Paris" X rated films released on DVD by VCA, including "Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann". The films have a similar style to "Score", with explicit sex.

  2. You speak of a new film which has a similar stroytelling (two couples seduction) framing as this one, what was the title? "In dietro"???

    1. Yes, Indietro (link above). Here's more about it: https://filmthreat.com/uncategorized/indietro/

      Thanks for listening!
