October 21, 2020

Episode 490: Motel Hell (1980)

Special Guests: Kevin Connor, Frank Cotolo
Guest Co-Hosts: Heather Drain, Ben Buckingham

It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters!

Heather Drain and Ben Buckingham join Mike to talk about Kevin Connor's 1980 horror/comedy starring Rory Calhoun and Nancy Parsons, Motel Hell.

Connor discusses his work on the film as well as his earlier work while dishes about working with Wolfman Jack.

Listen/Download Now:

Buy Motel Hell on Blu-Ray
Buy Frank Cotolo's books on Amazon
Buy From Communion to Cannibalism: An Anatomy of Metaphors of Incorporation by Maggie Kilgour

"Escape from Motel Hell" - Brad Fiedel
"Clap for the Wolfman" - The Guess Who
"You're Eatin Out My Heart And Soul" - Kregg Nance
"Eating My Heart Out" - Mitchell Torok
"Timothy" - Buoys


1 comment:

  1. For anyone who wants to see "Perverse Preachers, Fascist Fundamentalists And Kristian Kiddie Kooks" my tape on Televangelists from 1991 the best print on the web is here:

