June 5, 2018

Episode 368: Twelve Monkeys (1995)

Special Guest: Dahlia Schweitzer
Guest Co-Hosts: Jedidiah Ayres, Tony Black

James Cole (Bruce Willis) may or may not be a time traveler sent from our future to learn about our present. Inspired by Chris Marker's La Jetée, Terry Gilliam's Twelve Monkeys (1995) is based on a script by .

Tony Black and Jedidiah Ayres join Mike to discuss this twisted time travel story. Dahlia Schweitzer -- author of Going Viral: Zombies, Viruses, and the End of the World -- discusses the prevalence and significance of the disease narrative at the time of Twelve Monkeys's release.

Listen/Download Now:

Read the original Twelve Monkeys screenplay
Listen to Tony Black's The X-Cast
Buy Peckerwood by Jedidiah Ayres

"Introduccion" From Suite Punta Del Este - Paul Buckmaster
"Sleepwalk" - B.J. Cole



  1. It appears from a quick google search that Madeline Stowe occasionally acts but is more involved in charity work actually helping people.
