December 18, 2017

The Projection Booth 2017 Report Card

Usually I have quite the dilemma when announcing the most-downloaded episodes of the year as there's always those last few episodes of the year. This time around I've only got one more episode slated to come out for 2017 but have had a few weeks break from new episodes so the dust has settled.

That said, here are the most-downloaded 2017 episode of the year, starting with our most popular episode on John Carpenter's They Live:
  1. They Live (1988)
  2. Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
  3. American Psycho (2000)
  4. THX-1138 (1971)
  5. The Running Man (1987)
  6. Akira (1988)
  7. Fire Walk with Me Redux / Twin Peaks The Return
  8. Mommie Dearest (1981)
  9. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)
  10. The Swimmer (1968)
I'm never surprised to see what's tickled the fancies of people but I'm always surprised at what doesn't make the list. As I always say, these episodes may be a good place to start but I encourage folks to check out the other episodes as well.
Meanwhile, here are the least-downloaded episode of the year starting with the lowest number:
  1. Who Killed Teddy Bear? (1965)
  2. Tom of Finland (2017)
  3. Happy End (1966)
  4. Case for a Rookie Hangman (1970)
  5. Arrebato (1979)
  6. The Rocking Horse Winner (1949)
  7. The Lure (2015)
  8. Torchbearer (2016)
  9. Intacto (2001)
  10. The Cremator (1968)
That's just about the entire Czechtember line-up!

Here's something I've never done before... These are the episodes from 2017 that I had the most fun putting together for whatever reason that weren't listed above:
  1. The Cars that Ate Paris (1974)
  2. Over the Edge (1979)
  3. Making Mr. Right (1987)
  4. The Lost One (1951)
  5. The Ninth Configuration (1980)
  6. La Grande Illusion (1937)
  7. Kissed (1996)
  8. Wanda Whips Wall Street (1980)
  9. The Intruder (1962)
  10. La Marge (1976)
Thanks to everyone who keeps the show going!


  1. So episodes I guested on made the best and worst list? I love it :-)

  2. Well maybe I am the only listener who really enjoyed all the Czechtember episodes! Thanks for covering the movies that most podcasts ignore.
