August 30, 2015

Special Report: Ego Fest III

Every once in a while we just turn on the mics and go. We answer listener emails, play some voicemails, and talk about how the Projection Booth sausage is made.

Learn about Rob's new book, The Orbit Magazine Anthology: Re-Entry, and his upcoming live events. Hear about Mike's Q&As at FanExpo Canada, and find out what you can do to help support the show.

Buy The Orbit Magazine Anthology by Rob St. Mary
Visit The Orbit Magazine Anthology website
Be sure to LIKE the Orbit Book on Facebook
Listen to Rob on Badasses, Boobs, and Bodycounts
Listen to our Reservoir Dogs episode
See the full schedule for FanExpo Canada
Read more about "lost films"
Buy Seeking Perfection: An Unofficial Guide to Tremors by Jonathan Melville
Read all of the comments about our Alien 3 episode at AVP Galaxy

"Cute Intro" - Katy Thumb
"Ego is Not a Dirty Word" - Skyhooks
"Takin' Over the World" - David E. Russo, Kirk R. Thatcher, Michael McClure and David Friendly
"Loose Cannons" - Dan Aykroyd and Katey Sagal

Listen/Download ENow:


Check out the Aliens collection of Jason in Denver:

Mike's schedule at FanExpo Canada:


  1. Hi Guys,

    Rob, You should be coming out to San Francisco with your book this coming weekend for Zine Fest! Sounds like the book is a fine specimen of the concept in and of itself.

    A fine episode, fellas, always nice to sneak a peek behind the curtain, so to speak. Very much looking forward to Blue Collar as it's a long time favorite I got to see on it's original any films have an original title tune by the late great Don Van Vliet? Hoping a future episode will profile Schrader's Hardcore! Even has that Michigan connection you value so highly! I think I understand Grand Rapids so much better......

    Always a fan!
    Jeff Goodman
    SF, CA

    1. Jeff,

      I'd love to come out there. Sadly, can't make it this weekend. Shoot up a link, tell me more, and maybe I can make it for the 2016 edition.


      Rob St. Mary
      co-host of "The Projection Booth"
