April 29, 2014

Episode 164: Blast of Silence (1964)

Special Guest: Allen Baron
Guest Co-Host: Howard A. Rodman

Danger signal! It's an episode all about Allen Baron's 1961 neorealistic Blast of Silence, the story bad boy Frankie Bono, a hit man who comes to New York City at Christmas to fulfill a contract. He's torn between his obligation to pull the trigger and his heart.

We're joined this week by guest co-host Howard A. Rodman to talk about "Hart to Hart," Winky Dink, film preservation, and more.

Listen / Download Now:

Visit Allen Baron's official website
Buy Blast of Silence on DVD
Buy Blast of Silence: A Memoir by Allen Baron
Read more about Blast of Silence

"A Blast, A Flash, Then... Silence" - Motw Dark Side
"Blast of Silence" - M.O.T.O.
"For Now One" - The Beatles
"Blast of Silence" - Kewpie Dolls



  1. Truly one of the best interviews you guys have ever aired. I was listening to it on the bus and found it hard to control my laughter. I loved this episode! Long live the cantankerous Mr. Baron!

  2. My god that was an uncomfortably brutal interview. Mike, you should receive a medal of
    commendation for surviving it.

  3. Can you send Mr Baron's contact info? I'd like him to teach my mom how to use her cell phone.

  4. Awesome movie, awesome podcast, even awesomer(!) and laugh-out loud interview with Baron. Keep up the good work, guys. :-)

  5. Wow. If anyone's complained to Criterion that they didn't record an audio commentary with Baron, refer 'em here!

  6. I just listened to your podcast and I get that he wasn't famous, but I'm so sad that you didn't mention my dad, Merrill Brody, Producer, Cinematographer, and Co-Editor of Blast of Silence. Kudos for getting through the interview with Allen though.

    1. That's a shame as the cinematography is terrific!

  7. Revisiting this classic interview as a cure-all for quarantine depression. Doing the lord's work, Mike.. doing the lord's work.
