June 5, 2012

Episode 66: Freejack (1992)

Episode 66: Freejack (1992) The Projection Booth: Episode 66: FreejackMy friends, we are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives...

When it comes to guilty pleasures, there's nothing that tops Geoff Murphy's Freejack. See Emilio Estevez running for his life in the distant future (2009) as he battles against Anthony Hopkins, David "Buster Poindexter" Johansen and Mick Jagger.

We're joined by Fred Fritz of the Movie Apocalypse show for this look at what the future might bring... And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.


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Buy Robert Sheckley's Immortality, Inc
Hear what George Harrison and Ringo Starr had to say about the BBC adaptation of Immortality Inc
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  1. Enjoyed the podcast. I remember seeing this film in 1992. The only real standout is the performance of Mick Jagger as Vacendak, the 'bonejacker'. He is the real star of this movie, in my opinion. I really enjoyed the back and forth dialouge between Jagger and Emilio Estevez.

    1. In True Romance,Floyd-Brad Pitt's character is watching Freejack while smoking the HoneyBearBong,when the James Gandolfini comes looking for Alabama&Clarence:)Later,He's listening to Soundgarden's Outshined when the Gangster Posse show up:)
