April 18, 2012

Episode 59: Superbman: The Other Movie (1981)

The Projection Booth Episode 59: Superbman: The Other MovieSpecial Guests: Vern Dietsche & Dave Teubner

You will believe a pie can fly after we talk about Superbman: The Other Movie, a parody flick from the early '80s. Rob and Mike also discuss parodies, fan films, and other cinematic tributes.

Visit the official Superbman: The Other Movie website
Subscribe to Vern's YouTube Channel
Read Clive Young's Homemade Hollywood: Fans Behind the Camera
Order Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made by Alan Eisenstock

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  1. Thanks for bringing this movie to my attention as I had never heard of it. It sounds like a blast. Mr. Kimble from Green Acres? I'm in!

    1. You are correct, sir! The MR. KIMBLE!


      Rob St. Mary
      co-host of "The Projection Booth"

  2. It is great to see this movie again. Vern and Dave were in the class ahead of me in film school. I remember watching in the projection room the famous daily of a piece of film caught in the film gate. lol
