mike@projection-booth.com mike@projection-booth.com

July 27, 2022

Episode 581: The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)

Episode 581: The Incredible Shrinking Man Guest Co-Hosts: Emily Intravia, John Atom

We continue Sci-Fi July with a look at Jack Arnold’s The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957). Based on the book by, and adapted by, , the film tells the story of Scott Carey (Grant Williams), a man who goes through a mysterious fog bank on the ocean only to find that it’s caused his body to inexplicably shrink.

John Atom and Emily Intravia join Mike to discuss the film and its 1981 remake, The Incredible Shrinking Woman.

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Hear Mike talk about Safe and The Incredible Shrinking Woman
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"Five Foot One" - Iggy Pop
"Galaxy Glue" - Linda November



  1. It looks pretty good for a 1950s movie. The only thing that really stood out as bad was the lack of shadows with some of the superimposed footage.

    This movie also inspired a fun album title and cover photo from punk band 'The Dickies' - https://i.imgur.com/0BsDAu4.jpeg

  2. I don't want to grow anyMORE!!!!
