November 3, 2021

Episode 545: The Silent Partner (1978)

Special Guest: Elliott Gould
Guest Co-Hosts: Jonathan Melville, Cullen Gallagher

Noirvember 2021 kicks off with a look at Daryl Duke’s The Silent Partner. Released in 1978, it was from a screenplay by and based on the book Think of a Number by . The film stars Elliott Gould as Miles Cullen, a rather mild mannered bank teller -- and keeper of the vault -- who figures out that his bank has been targeted for a robbery. With this piece of information he decides to rob the bank himself and let the robber (Christopher Plummer) take the fall.

Jonathan Melville and Cullen Gallagher join Mike to discuss the film while Elliott Gould talks about his role as Miles Cullen.

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Buy Think of a Number by Anders Bodelsen
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"The Silent Partner" - Original Soundtrack
"Tænk på et tal" - Bent Fabricius-Bjerre

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