June 10, 2020

Episode 471: Viva La Muerte (1971)

Guest Co-Hosts: Heather Drain, Jess Byard

Fernando Arrabal's 1971 film Viva la Muerte. The film tells the story of Fando (Mahdi Chaouch), a young man, whose mother sold out his father to the fascists during the Spanish Civil War. This was the feature directorial debut of Arrabal who, along with Roland Topor and Alejandro Jodorowsky, began the Panic Movement.

Jess Byard and Heather Drain join Mike to discuss film movements, surrealism, and Arrabal's work.

Buy Viva la Muerte on DVD
Read our interview with Fernando Arrabal

"Ekkoleg" - Grethe Agatz

Listen/Download Now:


Fernando Arrabal - A Multifaceted Artist from Louisiana Channel on Vimeo.


  1. OK, I went into this knowing NOTHING. I loaded the podcast, and pretty much forgot about it, until it was the last in line to listen to. I had a feeling that this was going to be one of those moments when you get blown away when you least expect it.I was intrigued the way that the casters were talking about this film, I looked at some scenes...holy moly...One of those all too rare head exploding moments you get in the movies...

    1. Hey, thanks so much for listening! I'm so glad we could turn you on to a great movie!
