February 12, 2020

Episode 454: The Laughing Woman (1969)

Guest Co-Hosts: Kat Ellinger, Elric Kane

Our appreciation of 1969 continues with a look at Piero Schivazappa's Femina Ridens / The Laughing Woman. Also sometimes known as The Frightened Woman, the film stars Philipe Leroy as Sayer, the head of a charity foundation, and Dagmar Lassander as Maria, one of his employees. She she expresses an interest in writing an article about male sterilization, he takes that as his cue to invite her to his house and enslave her. What else can a good chauvinist do?

Elric Kane and Kat Ellinger join Mike to discuss the film, Niki de Saint-Phalle, Men's Rights, and more.

Big thanks to Ashley West of The Rialto Report.

Listen/Download Now:

Buy The Frightened Woman on DVD
Buy The Laughing Woman by Hardian Keene

Femina Ridens Soundtrack - Stelvio Cipriani



  1. I am very much enjoying your 1969 series, Mike. The late 1960s and early 1970s is near the top of my favorite periods of cinema. The mixing of high brow and low brow, politics, and censorship battles created one of the most dynamic periods of moviemaking. All kinds of idiosyncratic voices got their chance to make a cinematic statements at this time. Even with my deep dive into this period of time, you have introduced me to some new titles.

    I also saw The Laughing Woman though the early 2000s DVD release. I was impressed by the film then and would love to see a restored version. Since you liked The Laughing Woman so much, you would likely enjoy Kat Ellinger's suggestion of The Slave (Scacco alla Regina).

    I was wondering about what inspired the idea to explore the films of 1969. You may have talked about it already, but I have not been able to keep with all of the episodes recently.

    1. I definitely caught the rest of The Slave. What a great film! That and The Libertine would make a great triple feature.

      I talked a bit about the 1969 thing on our Z episode but, knowing me, Heather and I will talk about it on Ego Fest 9. Stay tuned!
