May 29, 2016

Special Report:The Dying of the Light (2015)

Special Guest: Peter Flynn
Guest Co-Host: Chris Bricklemyer

On this special episode, director Peter Flynn discusses his 2015 documentary about the art of projection, The Dying of the Light.

Outside the Cinema and Are You Serious's Mr. Chris joins Mike to reminisce about days and nights in the multiplex.

Buy Dying of the Light on DVD
Visit the official website
Read Alone in the Dark, Old-School Projectionists Keep Film From the Grave by Laura Mallonee
Read In The War Between Film And Digital, Nobody Wins by Adam Faze
Read So How Does Analog Film Work Anyway? by Bryan Menegus
Listen to The Nitrate Picture Show episode

Download Episode Now:

"Cinema Paradiso" - Ennio Morricone
"Super Cinema" - Ian Broudie


The Dying of the Light Trailer from Peter Flynn on Vimeo.

Do Pay Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain from De Filmkrant on Vimeo.

Projection: 85 Years of the Projection Booth in Movies from Joseph Holmes on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    The Doug Trumbull process was called Showscan - BRAINSTORM was originally supposed to feature it in the POV segments... never got to feature experimentation, but was actually set up in a few ShowBiz Pizza theaters in the 80's - mainly it got used for ride experiences.

    One of the promo films, New Magic, had Gerrit Graham (as a projectionist) and Sir Christopher Lee.
