April 13, 2016

Episode 266: Ed Wood (1994)

Special Guests: Larry Karaszewski, Mike Starr, Lydia Kavina, Andrew J. Rausch
Guest Co-Hosts: Rob St. Mary, Steve Sholtes

Can your heart stand the shocking truth about Ed Wood? This week's discussion focuses on Tim Burton's 1994 film starring Johnny Depp and Martin Landau
about the hapless B-movie director Edward D. Wood Jr.

Guests include the film's co-writer, , actor Mike Starr, musician Lydia Kavina, and author Andrew J. Rausch.

Rob St. Mary returns for the episode along with composer/musician Steve Sholtes

  • Mike mistakenly credited Roberta Findlay for Doris Wishman's Let Me Die a Woman.
  • Yes, Bela Lugosi played Frankenstein in the 1943 Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man but definitely not in the more famous and successful 1931 Frankenstein.

Listen/Download Now:

Bonus: Geek Juice Episode on Tim Burton

Buy Ed Wood on Blu-Ray
Buy the Ed Wood DVD Box
Buy Nightmare in Ecstacy by Rudolph Grey
Buy The Cinematic Misadventures of Ed Wood by Andrew J. Rausch and Charles Pratt Jr.
Buy the Ed Wood screenplay by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski
Buy Ed Wood's Bride of the Monster by Gary D. Rhodes
Buy Ed Wood, Mad Genius: A Critical Study of the Films by Rob Craig
Buy the Ed Wood Soundtrack by Howard Shore
Buy Exotica 2000 by Korla Pandit
Buy Spellbound: Theremin by Lydia Kavina
Visit the official Lydia Kavina website
Visit the official Rob St Mary website
Watch The Cabining on Amazon Prime
Visit Larry Karaszewski's Trailers from Hell
Hear more about Lugosi (and Karloff) on the Black Cat episode
Hear more about Ed Wood on the Orgy of the Dead episode
Hear more about Tim Burton on the Batman Returns episode
Read the Dead 2 Rights Ed Wood Wednesdays series

"Backlot" - Howard Shore
"Bride of the Monster" - Howard Shore
"Kuba Mambo" - Howard Shore
"Eddie Takes a Bow" - Howard Shore
"Ed Wood" - Howard Shore
"Bela Lugosi's Dead" - Bauhaus



  1. Excellent job, once again, guys!
    Re as to why Lydia Kavina wasn't used on MARS ATTACKS!, it probably has to do with the MA score being recorded in the U.S. rather than in London.

  2. this is response to the mention of Dark Shadows (the tv show) on the Geek Juice show: it wasn't British, it was an American show. It is good, but it's VERY slow. The story advances at a snail's pace, especially from a modern point of view.

  3. Bloody stunning audio-doc on ED WOOD, one of my favorite films of all time, and a film that perfectly captures the psychopathic optimism required to produce, write, and direct movies.

  4. Seeing this episode come online finally pushed me to watch Ed Wood after having it on my to-watch list for a long time. It really is a cinematic treat. Even though I knew that a lot of details of Ed Wood's life were left out, that did not bother me. Thank you again, Projection Booth. You have inspired me to revisit the other Tim Burton you have covered, Batman Returns. Incidentally, Pee-wee's Big Adventure has been a favorite since childhood.

    I have seen one the other sex change films mentioned in the program, Let Me Die A Woman. Part documentary, part porn film, and part freak show, it remains one the most singular films of my viewing experience, usually not in a good way.

  5. Great episode as usual.
    I listened to this one because I was a fan of the film without reading the guest list.
    I was pleasantly surprised when you interviewed Lydia Kavina.
    I went on a Theremin music kick a while back which pretty much means Clara Rockmore and Lydia Kavina.
    If you have the opportunity to interview her for another episode, I would appreciate it if you asked her which Theremin performers she recommends for listening pleasure.
