October 20, 2015

Episode 241: The Entity (1982)

Special Guests: Peter Tscherkassky & David Labiosa
Guest Co-Host: Daniel Kremer

Based on a book by and adapted by , The Entity was directed by Sidney J. Furie and stars Barbara Hershey as Carla Moran, a woman haunted by a malevolent spirit that sexually terrorizes her.

We're joined by , the author of Sidney J. Furie: Life and Films.

Listen/Download Now:

Buy The Entity on Blu-Ray
Buy Hawa on DVD
Buy Sidney J. Furie: Life and Films by Daniel Kremer
Buy The Entity by Frank De Felitta
Visit Daniel Kremer's website
Visit the official Frank De Felitta website
Read the review of The Entity by Gene Siskel
Read an interview with Peter Tscherkassky in Cinemascope
Read about a possible remake of The Entity
Hear Daniel Kremer and Sidney J. Furie on our HIT! episode

"It Appears" - Charles Bernstein
"Quiet Village" - Martin Denny
"The Entity" - Larval



  1. Interview with Brian Harris, son of Doris Bither (the real-life Carla Moran).

  2. I came across Outer Space by Peter Tscherkassky on an "Other Cinema" DVD a few years ago. I think it was " Experiments in Terror". I love what he did with the footage. I did video projections for a show in NYC for a band called The Faint and I showed a part of Outer Space and so many people were coming up to me asking what it was. Great short film.
    - Rustyn
