September 27, 2011

Episode 30: Desperate Living (1977)

Special Guests: Mink Stole & John Waters

We have always found the antics of deviants to be amusing

Take a trip with Mike and Mondo Justin to Mortville where we'll be joined by writer/director John Waters and star Mink Stole as we talk about the twisted lesbian fairy tale Desperate Living and Mink's CD release, Do Re Mink. We'll be examining the film while we eat Mrs. Fields Oatmeal Cookies.

Visit the official Mink Stole's official website.
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Buy Desperate Living on DVD
Listen to our episode on Female Trouble
Listen to our episode on I Am Divine

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  1. "I don't want no white man lookin' at my tampax!"

  2. I don't want some renegade necrophile princess as MY roommate.

  3. They don't put Edith in a cage in this movie... that is Female Trouble.
