December 9, 2013

Praise for The Projection Booth

The Projection Booth got a great write-up in this week's Podmass listing on The A.V. Club.
The Projection Booth is a podcast for the kind of cinephile who gets excited by the idea of four hours of commentary for a 90-minute movie. Its latest episode on Orson Welles’ butchered 1942 film The Magnificent Ambersons—filled with thoughtful analysis, heaps of background info, and an interview with the filmmaker’s daughter—took two years to compile is practically a necessity for any serious Welles aficionado. And for other episodes, hosts Mike White (not, not the Enlightened guy) and Rob St. Mary seemingly put an equal amount of work into tracking down an uncredited screenwriter for Brain DePalma’s Blow Out and an Upton Sinclair scholar to help discuss There Will Be Blood. For casual film fans, this attention to detail may be overzealous; The Projection Booth is definitely pharmaceutical-grade film geekery. For those that can handle it, it’s a great score. [DD]
Thanks to everyone who made this happen!

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