August 7, 2012

Episode 74: CSA - Confederate States of America (2004)

Episode 74: CSA - Confederate States of AmericaSpecial Guest: Kevin Willmott

What if the South had won the Civil War? It might look a lot like Kevin Willmott's wonderfully insightful and acerbic faux documentary.

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  1. Nice work - one of your best efforts, I think!

    Some of Kevin's other films - NINTH STREET, his first feature, with Issac Hayes and Martin Sheen in a cameo role and THE ONLY GOOD INDIAN, which can be seen on the Starz networks and the DVD can be ordered directly from the filmmakers -

    THE BATTLE FOR BUNKER HILL has been in festivals and may eventually see release -

    Bio & interview site -

    DESTINATION PLANET NEGRO should be finished later in the year and hitting the festival circuit next year...

    and production is just about to start on JAYHAWKERS, about the KU Basketball program in the mid-50's, with Coach Phog Allen, and Wilt Chamberlin.

  2. Boy, did this movie become relevant all of a sudden.

    And it works great as a companion piece to Hearst's completely forgotten pro-dictatorship political drama Gabriel Over the White House (1933) about a US president who declares himself a dictator of the US and saves America from itself.

    During the Great Depression, the meek US President, played by John Huston’s dad, has an "epiphany" and declares himself a “benevolent” dictator of the US and saves America by abolishing the Constitution AND taking out the Congress - and he’s the hero of the movie! And you’re meant to take all of this seriously!

    William Randolph Hearst personally produced this bizarre pro-fascist 1933 b&w Hollywood adaptation of a book called Rinehard by Thomas Frederic Tweed, a British officer and WWI veteran who served as the top advisor of retired British liberal prime-minister David Lloyd George (George led the UK during WWI and tried bringing something similar to FDR's New Deal to the Brits). That's the same David Lloyd George who in his old age supported Hitler (Hitler coincidentally came to power in Germany in 1933) over his domestic infrastructure rebuilding and "peaceful" rearmament projects.

    In an ironic twist of fate (or history), Gabriel might yet end up proving to be visionary. Either way, it could also totally work as the prequel to CSA, despite technically not being a comedy.
